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2 Cycle 2 Stroke Carburetor Tune Up Adjustment - QUICK EASY AURORA

R Sloan
R Sloan
06 Nov 2020

See how to Quickly Easily adjust and tune the carburetor on your 2 cycle 2 stroke engine Weather you have a weed eater blower hedge trimmer or snow blower that isn't running well isn't responsive or won't start this could be an easy fix for you This short video will show you the steps to take to fine tune your carburetor on a 2 cycle engine If your hi and low adjustment screws have gotten off and you don't know where to start turn them all the way in clockwise until they bottom out and then turn them out counter clockwise 1-1 2 turn and adjust from there as shown in this video If this video was a help to you give it a thumbs up If you have not already done so please consider subscribing to this channel Disclaimer Although I have been following these procedures for many years I assume no liability for any damage that may occur to any person or property as a result of the information provided in this video I take necessary precautions that I am aware of when working on these projects but that in no way implies or creates any expressed or implied warranty or guarantee of any kind of particular result Any injury damage or loss of any kind to anyone or their property or anything related to information in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not Helping U Online this video Song LiQWYD - Just Smile Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music Creative Commons - Attribution 3 0 Unported Video Link 2CycleCarburetorAdjustment Quick2CycleCarbAdjustment Easy2StrokeCarbAdjustment

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