Leaking Pressure Washer Repair Clean Pro Exteriors

R Sloan
R Sloan
11 Nov 2020

Many times fittings on a pressure washer or wand will begin to leak Here's a quick easy inexpensive fix anyone can do Leave A Review Yelp a http 3A 2F 2Fwww yelp com 2Fbiz 2Fclean-pro-exteriors-tarboro a Facebook a https 3A 2F 2Fwww facebook com 2FCleanProExteriors 3Ffref 3Dnf a Google a https 3A 2F 2Fplus google com 2Fu 2F0 2Fb 2F117181074124714821197 2F 2BCleanproexteriorsNC 2Fabout a Fittings on a pressure washer are typically made of brass or stainless steel Even though these are made to last they will often begin to leak Don't let this scare you More often than now the reason for the leaking has to do with hidden O-rings inside and some outside the fittings depending on the type Simply replace the old o-ring and your problem is fixed I hope this helps Josh Brown President Clean Pro Exteriors 252-314-8284 wjbrown1986 gmail com a www cleanproexteriors com a

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